Request New Content

To request new content that will be published to the GCE4All Knowledge Base, please fill out the following forms (unless one of the two content types already exists in the Knowledge Base, both an ncAA and an RS/tRNA Pair form must be submitted together for consideration):

Request ncAA SubmissionRequest RS/tRNA Submission

The forms have instructions under each field to assist you in providing the information we need to add content to the Knowledge Base.

If you foresee yourself needing to submit many ncAAs and RS/tRNA pairs, and you have extensive experience in the field of GCE, you may request a GCE4All Knowledge Base account by filling out the Contact Form or by sending us an email at

***Please be aware that GCE4All reserves the right to alter any information in these submission requests if the change would more accurately reflect the data as presented in the supporting publications, as well as reject submission requests that do not meet the necessary criteria, contain data that is not supported by a publication, and/or contain fabricated information.***