RS/tRNA Foundational Publication Support

Gautier, Arnaud, Duy P Nguyen, Hrvoje Lusic, Wenlin An, Alexander Deiters, and Jason W Chin. (2010) 2010. “Genetically Encoded Photocontrol Of Protein Localization In Mammalian Cells.”. Journal Of The American Chemical Society 132 (12): 4086-8. doi:10.1021/ja910688s.

Hancock, S. M., R. Uprety, A. Deiters, and J. W. Chin. n.d. “Expanding The Genetic Code Of Yeast For Incorporation Of Diverse Unnatural Amino Acids Via A Pyrrolysyl-Trna Synthetase/Trna Pair” 132: 14819+.

RS/tRNA Pair Development Year

ncAA(s) Incorporated

RS Organism of Origin
Parent RS
RS Mutations

tRNA Organism of Origin
Parent tRNA
tRNA Anticodon
Multiple tRNAs?
To encode PCKRS into yeast, the the G3·U70 base pair in MbtRNACUA^Pyl was converted to A3-U70.

RS/tRNA Availability
Used in what cell line?

RS/tRNA Additional Notes
In mammalian Hek-293 cells, PCKRS successfully incorporated N-epsilon-((1-(6-nitrobenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)ethoxy)carbonyl)-L-lysine as confirmed by fluorescence confocal micrographs of Hek-293 cells containing EGFP. This result was also confirmed by immunoblotting.

PCKRS allowed cells to survive in 300μg/mL chloramphenicol media in the presence of N-epsilon-((1-(6-nitrobenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)ethoxy)carbonyl)-L-lysine, but did not survive in its absence, showing high specificity.

Strong applicability in mammalian studies shown by full length protein expression of nls-gfp-ha incorporating N-epsilon-((1-(6-nitrobenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)ethoxy)carbonyl)-L-lysine dependent upon the presence of PCKRS. Confirmed by fluorescence imaging.

Using the tRNA mutation listed, amino acid incorporation into purified SOD was shown in the presence of N-epsilon-((1-(6-nitrobenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)ethoxy)carbonyl)-L-lysine and PCKRS. hSOD yields used were 30−100 μg/L of yeast culture, showing the possibility of incorporation into yeast although MS data in yeast had not yet been acquired.