RS/tRNA Foundational Publication Support

Kiick, Kristi L, Eliana Saxon, David A Tirrell, and Carolyn R Bertozzi. (2002) 2002. “Incorporation Of Azides Into Recombinant Proteins For Chemoselective Modification By The Staudinger Ligation.”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 99 (1): 19-24.

Dieterich, Daniela C, James Link, Johannes Graumann, David A Tirrell, and Erin M Schuman. (2006) 2006. “Selective Identification Of Newly Synthesized Proteins In Mammalian Cells Using Bioorthogonal Noncanonical Amino Acid Tagging (Boncat).”. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 103 (25): 9482-7.

RS/tRNA Protocols and Structural Information

Dieterich, Daniela C, Jennifer J Lee, James Link, Johannes Graumann, David A Tirrell, and Erin M Schuman. (2007) 2007. “Labeling, Detection And Identification Of Newly Synthesized Proteomes With Bioorthogonal Non-Canonical Amino-Acid Tagging.”. Nature Protocols 2 (3): 532-40.

RS/tRNA Pair Development Year

ncAA(s) Incorporated


ncAA Structure (png, jpg, jpeg)
ncAA Utility
click chemistry, BONCAT (Bioorthogonal non-canonical amino-acid tagging) proteomics

RS Organism of Origin
Parent RS
RS Mutations

tRNA Organism of Origin
Parent tRNA
tRNA Anticodon

RS/tRNA Availability
Used in what cell line?

RS/tRNA Additional Notes
The E coli version functions ~400x less well with Aha than with Met, but good enough for Aha to be incorporated a 95% level in a Met E coli Met auxotroph.
In the case of HEK293 cells, one analysis indicated Aha incorporation in place of Met at about a 30% level.
Based on these studies, it may be that the Met RS from any species could also incorporate Aha into proteins.