GCE Publications
Displaying 676 - 700 of 1302 results
Links to Article | Year | Article Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Production and Chemoselective Modification of Adeno-Associated Virus Site-Specifically Incorporating an Unnatural Amino Acid Residue into Its Capsid. | Rachel Kelemen, Sarah Erickson, Abhishek Chatterjee | |
2018 | Chemical biology approaches for studying posttranslational modifications. | Aerin Yang, Kyukwang Cho, Hee-Sung Park | |
2018 | Synthesis at the interface of virology and genetic code expansion. | Rachel Kelemen, Sarah Erickson, Abhishek Chatterjee | |
2018 | Designer tRNAs for efficient incorporation of non-canonical amino acids by the pyrrolysine system in mammalian cells. | Robert Serfling, Christian Lorenz, Maja Etzel, Gerda Schicht, Thore Böttke, Mario Mörl, Irene Coin | |
2018 | Synthetic Tyrosine tRNA Molecules with Noncanonical Secondary Structures. | Kensaku Sakamoto, Akiko Hayashi | |
2018 | Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase with a Unique Architecture Enhances the Availability of Lysine Derivatives in Synthetic Genetic Codes. | Atsushi Yamaguchi, Fumie Iraha, Kazumasa Ohtake, Kensaku Sakamoto | |
2018 | Mutually orthogonal pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs. | Julian Willis, Jason Chin | |
2018 | Trapping Chromatin Interacting Proteins with Genetically Encoded, UV-Activatable Crosslinkers In Vivo. | Christian Hoffmann, Heinz Neumann, Petra Neumann-Staubitz | |
2018 | MultiBacTAG-Genetic Code Expansion Using the Baculovirus Expression System in Sf21 Cells. | Christine Koehler, Edward Lemke | |
2018 | Analysis of Reptarenavirus genomes indicates different selective forces acting on the S and L segments and recent expansion of common genotypes. | Chiara Pontremoli, Diego Forni, Rachele Cagliani, Manuela Sironi | |
2018 | Improved ontology for eukaryotic single-exon coding sequences in biological databases. | Roddy Jorquera, Carolina González, Philip Clausen, Bent Petersen, David Holmes | |
2018 | Rapid Identification of Functional Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetases via Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting. | Andrew Lin, Qing Lin | |
2018 | Genetic Code Expansion in Rhodobacter sphaeroides to Incorporate Noncanonical Amino Acids into Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. | Jared Weaver, Steven Boxer | |
2018 | Site-Specific Protein Labeling with Tetrazine Amino Acids. | Robert Blizzard, True Gibson, Ryan Mehl | |
2018 | tRNA: Structure, function, and applications. | Jeffery Tharp, Andreas Ehnbom, Wenshe Liu | |
2018 | In vitro genetic code reprogramming and expansion to study protein function and discover macrocyclic peptide ligands. | Stacie Richardson, Kara Dods, Nicolas Abrigo, Emil Iqbal, Matthew Hartman | |
2018 | Comparative proteomics and codon substitution analysis reveal mechanisms of differential resistance to hypoxia in congeneric snails. | Huawei Mu, Jin Sun, Siu Cheung, Ling Fang, Haiyun Zhou, Tiangang Luan, Huoming Zhang, Chris Wong, Jian-Wen Qiu | |
2018 | Significant expansion and red-shifting of fluorescent protein chromophore determined through computational design and genetic code expansion. | Li Wang, Xian Chen, Xuzhen Guo, Jiasong Li, Qi Liu, Fuying Kang, Xudong Wang, Cheng Hu, Haiping Liu, Weimin Gong, Wei Zhuang, Xiaohong Liu, Jiangyun Wang | |
2018 | Methanomethylophilus alvus Mx1201 Provides Basis for Mutual Orthogonal Pyrrolysyl tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Pairs in Mammalian Cells. | Birthe Meineke, Johannes Heimgärtner, Lorenzo Lafranchi, Simon Elsässer | |
2018 | Site-specific incorporation of quadricyclane into a protein and photocleavage of the quadricyclane ligation adduct. | Frederick Tomlin, Chelsea Gordon, Yisu Han, Taia Wu, Ellen Sletten, Carolyn Bertozzi | |
2018 | Expression and Purification of Site-Specifically Lysine-Acetylated and Natively-Folded Proteins for Biophysical Investigations. | Michael Lammers | |
2018 | Genetic Code Expansion- and Click Chemistry-Based Site-Specific Protein Labeling for Intracellular DNA-PAINT Imaging. | Ivana Nikić-Spiegel | |
2018 | Type-II tRNAs and Evolution of Translation Systems and the Genetic Code. | Yunsoo Kim, Bruce Kowiatek, Kristopher Opron, Zachary Burton | |
2018 | Generation of Stable Amber Suppression Cell Lines. | Simon Elsässer | |
2018 | Characterization and comparative mitogenomic analysis of six newly sequenced mitochondrial genomes from ectomycorrhizal fungi (Russula) and phylogenetic analysis of the Agaricomycetes. | Qiang Li, Qiangfeng Wang, Cheng Chen, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Chuan Xiong, Ping Li, Jian Zhao, Wenli Huang |