GCE Publications

Displaying 701 - 725 of 1302 results
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2018 Genetic Code Expansion in Rhodobacter sphaeroides to Incorporate Noncanonical Amino Acids into Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. Jared Weaver, Steven Boxer
2018 Site-Specific Protein Labeling with Tetrazine Amino Acids. Robert Blizzard, True Gibson, Ryan Mehl
2018 tRNA: Structure, function, and applications. Jeffery Tharp, Andreas Ehnbom, Wenshe Liu
2018 In vitro genetic code reprogramming and expansion to study protein function and discover macrocyclic peptide ligands. Stacie Richardson, Kara Dods, Nicolas Abrigo, Emil Iqbal, Matthew Hartman
2018 Comparative proteomics and codon substitution analysis reveal mechanisms of differential resistance to hypoxia in congeneric snails. Huawei Mu, Jin Sun, Siu Cheung, Ling Fang, Haiyun Zhou, Tiangang Luan, Huoming Zhang, Chris Wong, Jian-Wen Qiu
2018 Significant expansion and red-shifting of fluorescent protein chromophore determined through computational design and genetic code expansion. Li Wang, Xian Chen, Xuzhen Guo, Jiasong Li, Qi Liu, Fuying Kang, Xudong Wang, Cheng Hu, Haiping Liu, Weimin Gong, Wei Zhuang, Xiaohong Liu, Jiangyun Wang
2018 Methanomethylophilus alvus Mx1201 Provides Basis for Mutual Orthogonal Pyrrolysyl tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Pairs in Mammalian Cells. Birthe Meineke, Johannes Heimgärtner, Lorenzo Lafranchi, Simon Elsässer
2018 Site-specific incorporation of quadricyclane into a protein and photocleavage of the quadricyclane ligation adduct. Frederick Tomlin, Chelsea Gordon, Yisu Han, Taia Wu, Ellen Sletten, Carolyn Bertozzi
2018 Expression and Purification of Site-Specifically Lysine-Acetylated and Natively-Folded Proteins for Biophysical Investigations. Michael Lammers
2018 Genetic Code Expansion- and Click Chemistry-Based Site-Specific Protein Labeling for Intracellular DNA-PAINT Imaging. Ivana Nikić-Spiegel
2018 Type-II tRNAs and Evolution of Translation Systems and the Genetic Code. Yunsoo Kim, Bruce Kowiatek, Kristopher Opron, Zachary Burton
2018 Generation of Stable Amber Suppression Cell Lines. Simon Elsässer
2018 Characterization and comparative mitogenomic analysis of six newly sequenced mitochondrial genomes from ectomycorrhizal fungi (Russula) and phylogenetic analysis of the Agaricomycetes. Qiang Li, Qiangfeng Wang, Cheng Chen, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Chuan Xiong, Ping Li, Jian Zhao, Wenli Huang
2018 RNA-Templated Concatenation of Triplet Nucleic-Acid Probe. Raman Bahal, Arunava Manna, Wei-Che Hsieh, Shivaji Thadke, Gopalsamy Sureshkumar, Danith Ly
2017 Biochemical Characterization of the Lysine Acetylation of Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase in Escherichia coli. Sumana Venkat, Caroline Gregory, Qinglei Gan, Chenguang Fan
2017 Dual genetic code expansion through a "Mix and Match" of cell lysates.
2017 Non-additive stabilization by halogenated amino acids reveals protein plasticity on a sub-angstrom scale. Azade Hosseini, Christopher Pace, Adam Esposito, Jianmin Gao
2017 Precise Photoremovable Perturbation of a Virus-Host Interaction. Sarah Erickson, Raja Mukherjee, Rachel Kelemen, Chester Wrobel, Xiaofu Cao, Abhishek Chatterjee
2017 A small molecule activator of SIRT3 promotes deacetylation and activation of manganese superoxide dismutase. Jiaqi Lu, Hua Zhang, Xian Chen, Yong Zou, Jiasong Li, Li Wang, Minhao Wu, Jianye Zang, Yang Yu, Wei Zhuang, Qing Xia, Jiangyun Wang
2017 A genomically modified Escherichia coli strain carrying an orthogonal E. coli histidyl-tRNA synthetase•tRNA pair. Markus Englert, Oscar Vargas-Rodriguez, Noah Reynolds, Yane-Shih Wang, Dieter Söll, Takuya Umehara
2017 Frozen Accident Pushing 50: Stereochemistry, Expansion, and Chance in the Evolution of the Genetic Code. Eugene Koonin V
2017 The Energetics of Chromophore Binding in the Visual Photoreceptor Rhodopsin. He Tian, Thomas Sakmar, Thomas Huber
2017 Site-Specific POxylation of Interleukin-4. Tessa Lühmann, Marcel Schmidt, Meike Leiske, Valerie Spieler, Tobias Majdanski, Mandy Grube, Matthias Hartlieb, Ivo Nischang, Stephanie Schubert, Ulrich Schubert, Lorenz Meinel
2017 A semisynthetic organism engineered for the stable expansion of the genetic alphabet. Yorke Zhang, Brian Lamb, Aaron Feldman, Anne Zhou, Thomas Lavergne, Lingjun Li, Floyd Romesberg
2017 Rethinking Unconventional Translation in Neurodegeneration. Fen-Biao Gao, Joel Richter, Don Cleveland