GCE Publications

Displaying 1076 - 1100 of 1302 results
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2010 Genetic incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Feng Wang, Scott Robbins, Jiantao Guo, Weijun Shen, Peter Schultz
2010 Characterization of two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) invertase genes. Earl Taliercio, Jodi Scheffler, Brian Scheffler
2010 A genetically encoded photocaged Nepsilon-methyl-L-lysine. Yane-Shih Wang, Bo Wu, Zhiyong Wang, Ying Huang, Wei Wan, William Russell, Pei-Jing Pai, Yin Moe, David Russell, Wenshe Liu
2010 Genetically encoded alkenes in yeast. Hui-Wang Ai, Weijun Shen, Eric Brustad, Peter Schultz
2010 Orthogonal alkynyl amino acid reporter for selective labeling of bacterial proteomes during infection. Markus Grammel, Mingzi Zhang, Howard Hang
2010 Genetically directing ɛ-N, N-dimethyl-L-lysine in recombinant histones. Duy Nguyen, Maria Alai, Satpal Virdee, Jason Chin
2010 Evolutionary history and population dynamics of hepatitis E virus. Michael Purdy, Yury Khudyakov
2009 Genetic incorporation of a small, environmentally sensitive, fluorescent probe into proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hyun Lee, Jiantao Guo, Edward Lemke, Romerson Dimla, Peter Schultz
2009 Enhancing the utility of unnatural amino acid synthetases by manipulating broad substrate specificity. Audrey Stokes, Shigeki Miyake-Stoner, Jennifer Peeler, Duy Nguyen, Robert Hammer, Ryan Mehl
2009 Genetic encoding and labeling of aliphatic azides and alkynes in recombinant proteins via a pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase/tRNA(CUA) pair and click chemistry. Duy Nguyen, Hrvoje Lusic, Heinz Neumann, Prashant Kapadnis, Alexander Deiters, Jason Chin
2009 A pyrrolysine analogue for site-specific protein ubiquitination. Xin Li, Tomasz Fekner, Jennifer Ottesen, Michael Chan
2009 Enhancing the utility of unnatural amino acid synthetases by manipulating broad substrate specificity. Audrey Stokes, Shigeki Miyake-Stoner, Jennifer Peeler, Duy Nguyen, Robert Hammer, Ryan Mehl
2009 A pyrrolysine analogue for protein click chemistry. Tomasz Fekner, Xin Li, Marianne Lee, Michael Chan
2009 Genetic encoding and labeling of aliphatic azides and alkynes in recombinant proteins via a pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase/tRNA(CUA) pair and click chemistry. Duy Nguyen, Hrvoje Lusic, Heinz Neumann, Prashant Kapadnis, Alexander Deiters, Jason Chin
2009 Enhancing the utility of unnatural amino acid synthetases by manipulating broad substrate specificity. Audrey Stokes, Shigeki Miyake-Stoner, Jennifer Peeler, Duy Nguyen, Robert Hammer, Ryan Mehl
2009 Site-directed spin labeling of a genetically encoded unnatural amino acid. Mark Fleissner, Eric Brustad, Tamás Kálai, Christian Altenbach, Duilio Cascio, Francis Peters, Kálmán Hideg, Sebastian Peuker, Peter Schultz, Wayne Hubbell
2009 A method for genetically installing site-specific acetylation in recombinant histones defines the effects of H3 K56 acetylation Heinz Neumann, Susan Hancock, Ruth Buning, Andrew Routh, Lynda Chapman, Joanna Somers, Tom Owen-Hughes, John van Noort, Daniela Rhodes, Jason Chin
2009 A facile system for encoding unnatural amino acids in mammalian cells. Peng Chen, Dan Groff, Jiantao Guo, Weijia Ou, Susan Cellitti, Bernhard Geierstanger, Peter Schultz
2009 Enhancing the utility of unnatural amino acid synthetases by manipulating broad substrate specificity. Audrey Stokes, Shigeki Miyake-Stoner, Jennifer Peeler, Duy Nguyen, Robert Hammer, Ryan Mehl
2009 Discovery of Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase mutants for efficient labeling of proteins with azidonorleucine in vivo. Caglar Tanrikulu, Emmanuelle Schmitt, Yves Mechulam, William Goddard, David Tirrell
2009 Chemoselective Staudinger-phosphite reaction of azides for the phosphorylation of proteins. Remigiusz Serwa, Ina Wilkening, Giuseppe Del Signore, Michaela Mühlberg, Iris Claussnitzer, Christoph Weise, Michael Gerrits, Christian Hackenberger
2009 Expansion of tandem repeats in sea anemone Nematostella vectensis proteome: A source for gene novelty? Guy Naamati, Menachem Fromer, Michal Linial
2009 Enhancing the utility of unnatural amino acid synthetases by manipulating broad substrate specificity. Audrey Stokes, Shigeki Miyake-Stoner, Jennifer Peeler, Duy Nguyen, Robert Hammer, Ryan Mehl
2009 Transcription of an expanded genetic alphabet. Young Seo, Shigeo Matsuda, Floyd Romesberg
2009 Exceptional error minimization in putative primordial genetic codes. Artem Novozhilov, Eugene Koonin V