GCE Publications

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1302 results
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2023 Remodeling the cellular stress response for enhanced genetic code expansion in mammalian cells. Mikhail Sushkin, Christine Koehler, Edward Lemke
2023 Genetic Incorporation of Dansylalanine in Human Ferroportin to Probe the Alternating Access Mechanism of Iron Transport. Matteo Amadei, Antonella Niro, Maria Fullone, Rossella Miele, Fabio Polticelli, Giovanni Musci, Maria di Patti
2023 Small-Molecule Phosphine Activation of Protein Function in Zebrafish Embryos with an Expanded Genetic Code. Wes Brown, Carolyn Rosenblum, Alexander Deiters
2023 Genetically Encoded Crosslinking Enables Identification of Multivalent Ubiquitin-Deubiquitylating Enzyme Interactions. Rishi Patel, Kristos Terón, Mowei Zhou, Ernesto Nakayasu, Bryon Drown, Chittaranjan Das
2023 Rational design, production and in vitro analysis of photoxenoproteins. Caroline Hiefinger, Sabrina Mandl, Mona Wieland, Andrea Kneuttinger
2023 Update of the Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase/tRNA Pair and Derivatives for Genetic Code Expansion. Xuemei Gong, Haolin Zhang, Yue Shen, Xian Fu
2023 A novel viral vaccine platform based on engineered transfer RNA. Tong-Yun Wang, Fan-Dan Meng, Guo-Ju Sang, Hong-Liang Zhang, Zhi-Jun Tian, Hao Zheng, Xue-Hui Cai, Yan-Dong Tang
2023 Building biomaterials through genetic code expansion. Valappil Sisila, Mohan Indhu, Janani Radhakrishnan, Niraikulam Ayyadurai
2023 Mapping Antibody Domain Exposure on Nanoparticle Surfaces Using DNA-PAINT Marrit Tholen, Bas Rosier, Robin Vermathen, Céline Sewnath, Cornelis Storm, Laura Woythe, Cristina Izquierdo-Lozano, Roger Riera, Marjolein van Egmond, Maarten Merkx, Lorenzo Albertazzi
2023 Attenuating RNA Viruses with Expanded Genetic Codes to Evoke Adjustable Immune Response in PylRS-tRNACUAPyl Transgenic Mice. Zhetao Zheng, Xuesheng Wu, Yu Wang, Xu Yang, Hongmin Chen, Yuxuan Shen, Yuelin Yang, Qing Xia
2023 Combining non-canonical amino acid mutagenesis and native chemical ligation for multiply modifying proteins: A case study of α-synuclein post-translational modifications. Ana Galesic, Buyan Pan, Jennifer Ramirez, Elizabeth Rhoades, Matthew Pratt, James Petersson
2023 Site-Specific Incorporation of Sulfotyrosine into Proteins in Mammalian Cells. Xinyuan He, Yan Chen, Jiantao Guo, Wei Niu
2023 Genetic code expansion in E. coli enables production of a functional 'ready-to-click' T cell receptor-specific scFv. Rajeev Pasupuleti, Francesca Rosato, Dajana Kolanovic, Olga Makshakova, Winfried Römer, Birgit Wiltschi
2023 Employing non-canonical amino acids towards the immobilization of a hyperthermophilic enzyme to increase protein stability. Hannah Switzer, Christina Howard, John Halonski, Emily Peairs, Nolan Smith, Maddy Zamecnik, Sanjana Verma, Douglas Young
2023 Studying Reversible Protein Post-translational Modification through Co-translational Modification. Dan Wu, Tao Liu
2023 Evaluation of acyllysine isostere interactions with the aromatic pocket of the AF9 YEATS domain. Christopher Travis, Denver Francis, David Williams, Marcey Waters
2023 FRETing about the details: Case studies in the use of a genetically encoded fluorescent amino acid for distance-dependent energy transfer. Michael Cory, Chloe Jones, Kyle Shaffer, Yarra Venkatesh, Sam Giannakoulias, Ryann Perez, Marshall Lougee, Eshe Hummingbird, Vinayak Pagar V, Christina Hurley, Allen Li, Robert Mach, Rahul Kohli, James Petersson
2023 The UBX domain in UBXD1 organizes ubiquitin binding at the C-terminus of the VCP/p97 AAA-ATPase Mike Blueggel, Alexander Kroening, Matthias Kracht, Johannes van den Boom, Matthias Dabisch, Anna Goehring, Farnusch Kaschani, Markus Kaiser, Peter Bayer, Hemmo Meyer, Christine Beuck
2023 An evolved pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase with polysubstrate specificity expands the toolbox for engineering enzymes with incorporation of noncanonical amino acids. Ke Liu, Ling Jiang, Shuang Ma, Zhongdi Song, Lun Wang, Qunfeng Zhang, Renhao Xu, Lirong Yang, Jianping Wu, Haoran Yu
2023 Non-canonical amino acid incorporation into AAV5 capsid enhances lung transduction in mice. Hao Chang, Ailing Du, Jun Jiang, Lingzhi Ren, Nan Liu, Xuntao Zhou, Jialing Liang, Guangping Gao, Dan Wang
2023 Genetic Encoding of Arylazopyrazole Phenylalanine for Optical Control of Translation. Chasity Janosko, Olivia Shade, Taylor Courtney, Trevor Horst, Melinda Liu, Sagar Khare, Alexander Deiters
2023 Selective Inhibition of Kinase Activity in Mammalian Cells by Bioorthogonal Ligand Tethering. Jinghao Chen, Yang Huang, Wen-Biao Gan, Yu-Hsuan Tsai
2023 Shedding light on ORAI1 channel with genetic code expansion. Sher Ali, Guolin Ma, Yubin Zhou
2023 Residue selective crosslinking of proteins through photoactivatable or proximity-enabled reactivity. Jun Liu, Bing Yang, Lei Wang
2023 Genetic encoding of 3-nitro-tyrosine reveals the impacts of 14-3-3 nitration on client binding and dephosphorylation. Phillip Zhu, Kyle Nguyen, Aidan Estelle, Nikolai Sluchanko, Ryan Mehl, Richard Cooley