GCE Publications

Displaying 851 - 875 of 1302 results
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2015 Genetic code expansion enabled site-specific dual-color protein labeling: superresolution microscopy and beyond. Ivana Nikić, Edward Lemke
2015 Impact of the MLL1 morphemes on codon utilization and preservation in CpG islands. Minou Bina, Phillip Wyss
2015 Cell-specific proteomic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Kai Yuet, Meenakshi Doma, John Ngo, Michael Sweredoski, Robert Graham, Annie Moradian, Sonja Hess, Erin Schuman, Paul Sternberg, David Tirrell
2015 Small GTP-binding protein Ran is regulated by posttranslational lysine acetylation. Susanne de Boor, Philipp Knyphausen, Nora Kuhlmann, Sarah Wroblowski, Julian Brenig, Lukas Scislowski, Linda Baldus, Hendrik Nolte, Marcus Krüger, Michael Lammers
2015 Protein Mis-Termination Initiates Genetic Diseases, Cancers, and Restricts Bacterial Genome Expansion. Tit-Yee Wong, Steve Schwartzbach
2015 Genetic code evolution reveals the neutral emergence of mutational robustness, and information as an evolutionary constraint. Steven Massey
2015 Broadening the versatility of lentiviral vectors as a tool in nucleic acid research via genetic code expansion. YongXiang Zheng, Fei Yu, Yiming Wu, LongLong Si, Huan Xu, Chuanling Zhang, Qing Xia, Sulong Xiao, Qi Wang, Qiuchen He, Peng Chen, Jiangyun Wang, Kazunari Taira, Lihe Zhang, Demin Zhou
2015 [Expansion of the genetic alphabet of DNA toward xenobiology]. Ichiro Hirao, Michiko Kimoto
2015 Expansion of the QARS deficiency phenotype with report of a family with isolated supratentorial brain abnormalities. Ramona Salvarinova, Cynthia Ye, Andrea Rossi, Roberta Biancheri, Elke Roland, Paul Pavlidis, Colin Ross, Maja Tarailo-Graovac, Wyeth Wasserman, Clara van Karnebeek
2015 Labeling proteins on live mammalian cells using click chemistry. Ivana Nikić, Jun Kang, Gemma Girona, Iker Aramburu, Edward Lemke
2015 Ancestral Reconstruction of a Pre-LUCA Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Ancestor Supports the Late Addition of Trp to the Genetic Code. G Fournier, E Alm
2015 Genetic code expansion enables live-cell and super-resolution imaging of site-specifically labeled cellular proteins. Chayasith Uttamapinant, Jonathan Howe, Kathrin Lang, Václav Beránek, Lloyd Davis, Mohan Mahesh, Nicholas Barry, Jason Chin
2015 Essential thrombocythemia with Mpl W515 K mutation in a child presenting with Budd-Chiari syndrome. Huseyin Tokgoz, Umran Caliskan, Hasan Yüksekkaya, Reyhan Kucukkaya
2015 Highly Stable trans-Cyclooctene Amino Acids for Live-Cell Labeling. Jan-Erik Hoffmann, Tilman Plass, Ivana Nikić, Iker Aramburu, Christine Koehler, Hartmut Gillandt, Edward Lemke, Carsten Schultz
2015 A flexible codon in genomically recoded Escherichia coli permits programmable protein phosphorylation Natasha Pirman, Karl Barber, Hans Aerni, Natalie Ma, Adrian Haimovich, Svetlana Rogulina, Farren Isaacs, Jesse Rinehart
2015 Semisynthetic tRNA complement mediates in vitro protein synthesis. Zhenling Cui, Viktor Stein, Zakir Tnimov, Sergey Mureev, Kirill Alexandrov
2015 A novel homozygous nonsense mutation in the PVRL4 gene and expansion of clinical spectrum of EDSS1. Syed Raza, Rashid Dar, Anwar Shah, Wasim Ahmad
2015 Recent developments of engineered translational machineries for the incorporation of non-canonical amino acids into polypeptides. Naohiro Terasaka, Yoshihiko Iwane, Anna-Skrollan Geiermann, Yuki Goto, Hiroaki Suga
2015 Fine-tuning interaction between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA for efficient synthesis of proteins containing unnatural amino acids. Nanxi Wang, Tong Ju, Wei Niu, Jiantao Guo
2015 Expanding the Genetic Code for a Dinitrophenyl Hapten. Wei Ren, Ao Ji, Michael Wang, Hui-Wang Ai
2015 Genome expansion via lineage splitting and genome reduction in the cicada endosymbiont Hodgkinia. Matthew Campbell, James Van Leuven, Russell Meister, Kaitlin Carey, Chris Simon, John McCutcheon
2014 Monitoring endocytic trafficking of anthrax lethal factor by precise and quantitative protein labeling. Siqi Zheng, Gong Zhang, Jie Li, Peng Chen
2014 Novel parasitic nematode-specific protein of bovine filarial parasite Setaria digitata displays conserved gene structure and ubiquitous expression. W Rodrigo, R Dassanayake, S Weerasena, Y Gunawardene
2014 Genetic incorporation of seven ortho-substituted phenylalanine derivatives. Jeffery Tharp, Yane-Shih Wang, Yan-Jiun Lee, Yanyan Yang, Wenshe Liu
2014 Ligand-assisted dual-site click labeling of EGFR on living cells. Yi Yang, Shixian Lin, Wei Lin, Peng Chen