GCE Publications

Displaying 1151 - 1175 of 1228 results
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2002 The selective incorporation of alkenes into proteins in Escherichia coli. Zhiwen Zhang, Lei Wang, Ansgar Brock, Peter Schultz
2001 Expanding the genetic code of Escherichia coli. L Wang, A Brock, B Herberich, P Schultz
2001 Efforts toward expansion of the genetic alphabet: replication of DNA with three base pairs. E Tae, Y Wu, G Xia, P Schultz, F Romesberg
2001 Structure and dissemination of a chromosomal insertion element encoding macrolide efflux in Streptococcus pneumoniae. K Gay, D Stephens
2001 Rent1, a trans-effector of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, is essential for mammalian embryonic viability. S Medghalchi, P Frischmeyer, J Mendell, A Kelly, A Lawler, H Dietz
2001 Identification of novel breast tumor-specific mutation(s) in the q11.2 region of chromosome 17 by RAPD/AP-PCR fingerprinting. K Singh, D Roy
2001 Molecular systematics and evolutionary history of kalats (genus Sheppardia): a pre-Pleistocene radiation in a group of African forest birds. M Roy, R Sponer, J Fjeldså
2001 A role for selection in regulating the evolutionary emergence of disease-causing and other coding CAG repeats in humans and mice. J Hancock, E Worthey, M Santibáñez-Koref
2000 Quadruplet codons: implications for code expansion and the specification of translation step size. B Moore, B Persson, C Nelson, R Gesteland, J Atkins
2000 Synthesis of 6-(2-thienyl)purine nucleoside derivatives toward the expansion of the genetic code. T Fujiwara, H Sugiyama, I Hirao, S Yokoyama
1999 Protein evolution drives the evolution of the genetic code and vice versa. M Jiménez-Montaño
1999 Definition of the smallest pathological CAG expansion in SCA7. A Nardacchione, L Orsi, A Brusco, A Franco, E Grosso, E Dragone, P Mortara, D Schiffer, M De Marchi
1999 Molecular defects of the androgen receptor. M McPhaul
1999 Selection, history and chemistry: the three faces of the genetic code. R Knight, S Freeland, L Landweber
1997 Codon-usage variants in the polymorphic (GGN)n trinucleotide repeat of the human androgen receptor gene. R Lumbroso, L Beitel, D Vasiliou, M Trifiro, L Pinsky
1997 Sequence fossils, triplet expansion, and reconstruction of earliest codons. E Trifonov, T Bettecken
1996 A cis-acting element in the BCL-2 gene controls expression through translational mechanisms. M Harigai, T Miyashita, M Hanada, J Reed
1994 Molecular genetic studies of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. L Goldfarb, P Brown, L Cervenakova, D Gajdusek
1994 Structure and expression of the gene responsible for the triplet repeat disorder, dentatorubral and pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). S Nagafuchi, H Yanagisawa, E Ohsaki, T Shirayama, K Tadokoro, T Inoue, M Yamada
1992 Ribosome-mediated incorporation of a non-standard amino acid into a peptide through expansion of the genetic code. J Bain, C Switzer, A Chamberlin, S Benner
1991 Selenocysteine: the 21st amino acid. A Böck, K Forchhammer, J Heider, W Leinfelder, G Sawers, B Veprek, F Zinoni
1991 Selenoprotein synthesis: an expansion of the genetic code. A Böck, K Forchhammer, J Heider, C Baron
1990 Bcl-2 is an inner mitochondrial membrane protein that blocks programmed cell death. D Hockenbery, G Nuñez, C Milliman, R Schreiber, S Korsmeyer
1988 Evolution of the genetic code. J Wong
1985 Complementarity between ferritin H mRNA and 28 S ribosomal RNA. S Jain, J Crampton, I Gonzalez, R Schmickel, J Drysdale