ncAA Structure (png, jpg, jpeg)

ncAA Foundational Publication Support
Yanagisawa, Tatsuo, Nobumasa Hino, Fumie Iraha, Takahito Mukai, Kensaku Sakamoto, and Shigeyuki Yokoyama. (2012) 2012. “Wide-Range Protein Photo-Crosslinking Achieved By A Genetically Encoded N(Ε)-(Benzyloxycarbonyl)Lysine Derivative With A Diazirinyl Moiety.”. Molecular Biosystems 8 (4): 1131-5. doi:10.1039/c2mb05321g.
ncAA Utility
Photo-cross-linking agent, and head to head comparison with Bpa and TmdPhe showed that TmdZLys led to successful crosslinking from more positions including those further apart, up to 15 Å. Tests were done with the GRB2 protein crosslinking with both the EGF receptor and the SHC receptor protein.
ncAA Source
Exogenous - Synthesized
ncAA Availability
PubChem Link