ncAA Database

Displaying 1 - 25 of 29 results
ncAA Name ncAA Structure ncAA Utility Moderation State
p-acetyl-l-phenylalanine  p-acetyl-l-phenylalanine Site-directed spin labeling, electron paramagnetic resonance Published: Under Review
2'-axialTCOK (TCO*) 2'-axial-TCOK Biorthogonal ligation, Click-Chemistry Published: Fully Reviewed
2-amino-4-phosphonobutanoic acid (nhpSer) nhpSer Used to produce proteins that mimic site-specific phosphorylation at a serine residue - where the phosphate group cannot by hydrolyzed - via genetic code expansion versus other protein phosphorylation strategies. Published: Under Review
3-(2-Naphthyl)-L-alanine 3-(2-Naphthyl)-L-alanine Speculated novel
stacking properties
Published: Under Review
3-Iodo-L-tyrosine 3-Iodo-L-tyrosine Aid protein crystal
structure deciphering
Published: Under Review
4'-TCOK (TCO) 4'TCO-lysine Reactive handle for IEDDA. Published: Fully Reviewed
acridonylalanine acridonylalanine It is a blue-wavelength fluorescent probe used for monitoring conformational changes and other molecular dynamics in proteins. The 2013 and 2021 foundational publications provide information on its properties, and a 2023 paper (doi: 10.1002/pro.4633) provides examples of its use in FRET studies. Published: Under Review
Azidohomoalanine Azidohomoalanine click chemistry, BONCAT (Bioorthogonal non-canonical amino-acid tagging) proteomics Published: Fully Reviewed
Azidonorleucine azidonorleucine Biorthogonal Ligation, Click Chemistry labeling with fluorescence or affinity labels. Specifically used for cell-specific proteomics studies using "bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging" (BONCAT) proteomics. Contrasts with Azidohomoalanine which does not allow cell-specific studies. Published: Fully Reviewed
endo-BCN-L-Lysine endo-BCN-L-Lysine Reactive handle for SPAAC Published: Fully Reviewed
exoBCN-Lysine exoBCN-L-Lysine Reactive handle for SPAAC Published: Fully Reviewed
N6-Trifluoroacetyl-L-lysine Image showing the ChemDraw Structure of Nε-TrifluroAcetyl-L-lysine They are used for sites specifically studying post-translational modification acetylation events on particular lysine residues. Also be used as an F19 NMR probe. Published: Under Review
Norbornene-methoxycarbonyl-Lysine H-L-Lys(Norbornene-methoxycarbonyl)-OH Useful for click-chemistry with nitrile imines and tetrazines Published: Fully Reviewed
Norbornene-O–L-Lysine (NBO) Nε-5-Norbornene-2-yloxycarbonyl-L-lysine Reactive handle for IEDDA Published: Fully Reviewed
Nε-acetyl-L-lysine Image showing the ChemDraw Structure of Nε-Acetyl-L-lysine They are used for sites specifically studying post-translational modification acetylation events on particular lysine residues. Published: Under Review
O-allyl-L-tyrosine O-Allyl-L-tyrosine in E. coli expressed sfGFP2TAG at 10 mg/L using GMML media Published: Under Review
O-propargyl-L-tyrosine O-propargyl-L-tyrosine Reactive handle for azide-alkyne cycloaddition Published: Under Review
p-azido-L-phenylalanine (pAzF) Image showing the ChemDraw Structure of p-azido-l-phenylalanine (pAzF) Used as a photocrosslinker, allowing for crosslinking and bioorthogonal ligation of protein. Published: Under Review
p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine Image showing the ChemDraw Structure of p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine Used as a photocrosslinker, allowing for crosslinking and bioorthogonal ligation of protein. Published: Under Review
p-Benzoyl-L-phenylalanine p-Benzoyl-L-phenylalanine N/A Published: Under Review
p-Methoxy-L-phenylalanine Image showing the Structure of p-Methoxy-L-phenylalanine First UAA
incorporation by
amber suppression
Published: Under Review
phosphoserine pSer Used to produce proteins site-specifically phosphorylated at serine residues, typically at positions where phosphoserine naturally occurs as a post-translational modification Published: Fully Reviewed
phosphothreonine pThr Used to produce site-specifically phosphorylated proteins at a threonine residue via genetic code expansion versus other protein phosphorylation strategies. Published: Under Review
phosphotyrosine pTyr Used to produce site-specifically phosphorylated proteins at a tyrosine residue via genetic code expansion versus other protein phosphorylation strategies. Published: Under Review
pNO2ZLys para-nitro-ZLys Photo-­cross-linking agent, but no tests were done on this ncAA in the founding paper. Crosslinking experiments were only done with TmdZLys Published: Fully Reviewed